
How To Upload Remixes To Spotify

Step 1 - Select Your Tracks
During the beta, you can play any runway from a Proton label that you're signed to as an artist + any labels that have added you lot to their Proton promo pool. If you've released music on a Proton label, then yous can characteristic that characterization in your mixes. Visit your Track Stack to browse all tracks cleared to play in your mixes.

  • Notation: Your Track Stack allows you to download all your own tracks, including any remixes of your ain songs. To download tracks from the Proton labels yous're signed to, ask your characterization manager to be added to their promo pool.

Step 2 - Make Your Mix
Subsequently collecting the tracks you can play in your mix, yous can now offset working on the mix itself! You lot tin can make your mix however you like, in Ableton, live on the decks, etc.
Your mix tin can exist whatever length you'd like - there are no restrictions at this time.

Pace 3 - Slice Your Mix
Unlike SoundCloud or MixCloud, where you upload the entire mix, Spotify and Apple tree Music require sliced uploads of *each track* in your mix. After yous make the mix, you lot need to piece information technology up into individual WAV files for each track played. When your mix plays on Spotify and Apple Music, the songs volition play back seamlessly even though they're sliced. This way listeners can see exactly what runway is playing!

  • Need aid slicing your mix? Here'due south a step-by-step guide!

Footstep four - Cover Art
All mixes need cover art, and the required size is large: 3000x3000! Your prototype must be square, 3000x3000 pixels or larger. If y'all need help finding big images, nosotros recommend Unsplash, which has tons of large, free images that you can use.

Pace 5 - Upload to Proton SoundSystem
With your slices & cover art fix, y'all tin now upload the mix to Proton. Visit SoundSystem, click the "DJ MIX" surface area, and click "New Mix"!

Step by Step Upload Guide for Mixes in SoundSystem

This guide explains how to create a mix in the "DJ Mixes" tab of SoundSystem.

  1. DJ Profile: Select your creative person profile that y'all'd similar the DJ Mix released under. This tin can be any artist contour yous've released music under at Proton. If you demand help adding a 2nd DJ that y'all collaborated with, please contact united states for assistance.

  2. Mix Championship - Enter the title of your mix! Do not include "DJ Mix" in the title of your mix, because that will be added automatically by Spotify and Apple.

  3. Cover Fine art - Upload the cover art yous prepared: 3000x3000 or larger!

  4. Tracklist - Next, click the "Add together Tracks" button to build your tracklist. You'll be able to quickly search and add whatever rails from your Track Stack.

  5. Upload Slices - After edifice your tracklist, upload the WAV slices of your mix. For help slicing upwards your mix, delight check our guide here.

  6. Release Date - Phew! You're done. Select the release engagement, and you're proficient to go. The mix will become alive on this appointment at Spotify and Apple Music!


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