
How To Use Phone For Laptop In Photoshop

In this blog post I will show you how to apply any UI design to an paradigm of a device in Adobe Photoshop CC.

Footstep 1 - Choose an appropriate image

Get-go, you need an image to which you can apply a design. This could be anything from a photograph of a mobile device, to a laptop, desktop figurer or even a billboard.

In my example, I have an erstwhile image from the Evoluted archives. Information technology features Neil and Sean from our marketing team working on a laptop.

Step 2 - Make clean upwardly your paradigm

I won't go into too many details for this step, every bit you lot tin can do as much or equally little as you feel necessary here. Also, any required changes volition drastically vary depending on your selected image. If yous practice make whatsoever changes to clean up your paradigm I would recommend duplicating your original layer, so you lot always take a copy of the original to go dorsum to.

Here I have adjusted the brightness & dissimilarity, edited out the app icons at the bottom of the screen and removed the reflection from the blackness area.

Step 3 - Create your mask

Now, we need to create a shape that volition serve as a mask for your screen design. Select the pen tool to draw a shape over the screen area. For the all-time results, I suggest zooming in very close to create your shape. This volition give much tighter control for an exact match, especially on things like rounded corners.

Step 4 - Create your screen layer

Next, nosotros create the screen blueprint layer. It is important to create a shape that uses the same aspect ratio (or as close as possible) as the device in your image. Create a new rectangle shape with the rectangle tool (Apply a different colour to your mask shape). Then edit the dimensions to match your required resolution or ratio.

In my example image, I believe the screen resolution on this old Macbook Pro to be 1400 x 900. Then I edit the dimensions of my rectangle in the properties panel to match.

With your rectangle shape selected in the layers panel, click on the hamburger menu icon in the panel to open upwards the options list. Select "Convert to Smart Object". Then click the hamburger icon over again & select "Create Clipping Mask". This will put your screen blueprint inside your screen shape.

Step five - Add perspective

We now adjust our screen shape to match our mask shape. Go to the superlative menu in Photoshop & select "Edit", then "Transform", and so "Distort". You tin can use the Prospective Transform if you prefer merely in this example, I constitute distort easier.

Move the corners of your rectangle to lucifer the edges of your shape mask. Once once more, zoom in for greater accuracy. Once you are happy, hit return to utilise the transform.

Step 6 - Lucifer your screen to the epitome

We now take our Smart Object screen shape inside our mask shape. This allows us to easily change what will display on the screen. Double click on the smart object icon on your layer. This will open upward your smart object shape in a new tab.

Drag in your desired screen design & scale/position information technology accordingly. Save the changes to your smart object and return to your master file to see your design applied to the screen shape.

Stride 7 - Layer styles & image adjustments

The dazzler of using a Smart Object here is that y'all can also use Layers styles and smart filters at anytime and they remain editable. I apply these to make to screen blueprint appear more authentic. The changes required will once again depend on the nature of your image.

In my example I add a layer style of "Colour Overlay" (Blackness 18% Opacity) to make the screen less bright.
On shut inspection my image appears a little grainy, so I want to add some racket to my design to friction match. I become to the top menu and select "Filter > Noise > Add Noise" (amount:1.5). I as well add a small corporeality of blur in the same manner "Filter > Blur > Gaussian Mistiness" (amount:0.5). This simply softens the well-baked edges of my screen design.

Experience costless to play around with these setting to notice the best results for your image.

Step viii - Add screen reflection

I also want to add together a subtle reflection to my screen design. In my image, the blackness part of the screen is besides reflective (as you can see in the original). So I need to depict a new shape to match using the Pen tool (as I did in step 3).

Once you have your shape, ready the fill to 0%. Now we add a gradient layer style. Use 2 white colours, one at 0% opacity & the other at 100%. Mover the ii nodes shut together to create a defined line. Moving these closer together will create a sharper line, farther apart will brand it softer.

For my reflection I have used light Opacity (x%) & with the gradient at an bending (138°). You lot can play around with these setting to suit your paradigm.

Finished Prototype

Now nosotros have our finished image! We can easily edit our smart object at whatsoever fourth dimension to employ a new or dissimilar design to our screen.


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